Now that we have a new Health Minister who gets it, I hope his agenda includes the regulation of the psychotherapy field, and right after that – passing the Sex Therapists Law.” What if things get out of hand, or if trauma suddenly surfaces during treatment? There’s a ticking time bomb here. “Therapists who haven’t undergone training aren’t always aware of the consequences of what they do. And the difference can be dramatic,” Bar-David notes. “Patients ask if I’m a couples’ counselor, and I answer that I’m a certified sex therapist, but they won’t understand the exact difference between the two. The patients don’t always know to tell the difference. The American Women Who Fought for Abortions and Women’s Liberation in Israel.Birth After Death: Should Parents Be Allowed to Harvest Sperm of Fallen Soldiers.She Sometimes Prescribes Chemical Castration Until the Health Ministry codifies it in law, we’ll continue to have a problem.” “There’s a reason that the market is flourishing, and that more and more people are getting into it who have a coincidental connection to therapy at best. “Today, anyone can define themselves as a sex therapist, whether they finished a standard track of two degrees and an internship, a two-day tantra course, an NLP course or even no course at all,” says Lee Reuveni Bar-David, a certified sex therapist and director of the sex therapy clinic at the Meir Medical Center.